Codycross World of Sounds Group 1350 Puzzle 4

World of Sounds Group 1350 Puzzle 4 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1350 Puzzle 4 of World of Sounds? Here you have the answers:

When something can be bought now, it’s this


Nearshore coastal regions


The cornfield was one of his paintings, john __


Las vegas casino hotel with a medieval name


Sci-fi series about agents mulder and scully

The  x-files

Fairy-tale princess whose friends are dwarves

Snow  white

Supplement that can help with sleep problems


Uses borrowed capital to invest


Cut of pork from the belly; chinese cuisine specialty

Spare  ribs

French misters


Moving staircase in a mall or airport


Lunar event where it turns red during an eclipse

Blood  moon

Website known for publishing classified documents


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