Codycross Working From Home Group 1238 Puzzle 5

Working From Home Group 1238 Puzzle 5 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1238 Puzzle 5 of Working From Home? Here you have the answers:

Citrus jam


White and yellow daisy family flower


Debate in order to make a deal


Moves to a smaller home


Cable railway that goes up steep slopes


Month number nine


Meal plan with fasting, then cleansing foods

Detox  diet

Indian ocean island whose capital is port louis


Clothing or fabric that was never sold or worn


Arrangement of clauses without normal coordination


Punxsutawney phil is this type of rodent


Manually operated tool for making holes

Hand  drill

Second president of the us

John  adams

Actor who was jordan catalano on my so-called life

Jared  leto

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