Codycross Working From Home Group 1226 Puzzle 2

Working From Home Group 1226 Puzzle 2 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1226 Puzzle 2 of Working From Home? Here you have the answers:

Relating to the other side of the world


To have an alluring sense of confidence and beauty


Italian mathematician created a number sequence


These fluffy pastries are used in profiteroles

Choux  buns

Nominated, male statement-maker


One of two major divisions in the christian bible


Air __, fragrant bathroom ornament


Liquid left in the sink after washing dirty plates


Legal responsibility for a product or service


A plant eater, think animals


Indian-american filmmaker known for horror films


__ and mondays always get me down

Rainy  days

Bread that is fermented and has a tangy taste


Something hidden by a bunny or game designer

Easter  egg

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