Codycross Prehistory Group 1258 Puzzle 3

Prehistory Group 1258 Puzzle 3 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1258 Puzzle 3 of Prehistory? Here you have the answers:

Annual american football nfl championship game

Super  bowl

Alienated; no longer in close contact


Old sri lankan nationality


Scatter seeds by machine or hand and not by drill


One who misses a loan repayment


Sting, andy summers and stewart copeland

The  police

Watery tourist destination in north-east vietnam

Ha  long  bay

Oval containing a royal name in hieroglyphics


Heavy hydrogen


Deathly hallow owned by albus dumbledore

Elder  wand

Visit the salon or barber to freshen this up


Frothy milk served in a cafe for a child


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