Codycross Prehistory Group 1255 Puzzle 3

Prehistory Group 1255 Puzzle 3 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1255 Puzzle 3 of Prehistory? Here you have the answers:

Amount of salt dissolved in water


A finger accessory that changes colors

Mood  ring

William addison __, coined the term graphic design


French monarch known as the sun king

Louis  xiv

Mark on skin caused by jumping insect

Flea  bite

2020 will ferrell film set on a skiing holiday


Area with no hills


Something that clarifies view


Stripy tags to scan

Bar  codes

15-30 cm tall japanese table


Elvis hit about a no-good man

Hound  dog

Wordsworth poem with “it is a beauteous evening”

By  the  sea

Fine lines on the skin from age or the sun


Spanish city where running of the bulls happens


Light warships, smaller than destroyers


Dc comics’ western bounty hunter

Jonah  hex

Italian dish similar to a spanish omelet


Skin mark caused by jumping insect that likes dogs

Flea  bite

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