Codycross Prehistory Group 1246 Puzzle 3

Prehistory Group 1246 Puzzle 3 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1246 Puzzle 3 of Prehistory? Here you have the answers:

Virfuril’s son, king in the witcher, __ iii


Church staffs


Broad term for beautiful italian vocal technique

Bel  canto

It could be button, flat, portobello


A tree that grows flat against a wall


Peace slogan, __ not war

Make  love

Nationality of citizens of libreville


Upholstered armchair that can tilt backwards


Lacking energy; workshy, lazy


Person who studies structure of language


Fourth mad max film

Fury  road

Magic johnson coach, later won in miami

Pat  riley

Long, narrow wooden sled used to go downhill


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