Codycross Past and Present Tech Group 1446 Puzzle 4

Past and Present Tech Group 1446 Puzzle 4 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1446 Puzzle 4 of Past and Present Tech? Here you have the answers:

State that’s directly south of missouri


Fake offer at an auction to raise the lot price

Dummy  bid

French-sounding word for a work partner


The preset format for a document on a computer


Poster phrase encouraging people to shoot high

Dream  big

She was in coffy and foxy brown in the 1970s

Pam  grier

Iphone video chat where callers can see each other


Encanto’s magical family


Dark marks on the solar surface, strongly magnetic


Polideportivo __, venue of copa america 2007


Online epic games pvp game released in 2017


Wife of orpheus who was bitten by a viper


Music genre fusing west african and us styles


Cold dairy product used to make mochi

Ice  cream

Flat round collar like j m barrie’s boy hero

Peter  pan

Large, brown birds of prey; not very pretty


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