Codycross Past and Present Tech Group 1441 Puzzle 5

Past and Present Tech Group 1441 Puzzle 5 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1441 Puzzle 5 of Past and Present Tech? Here you have the answers:

Tables of numbers arranged in rows and columns


Corridor beneath the audience in a playhouse


It’s the f in nft


Creator, like henry ford or tim berners-lee


Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold


The wheel of fortune’s host

Pat  sajak

Added to rivers for st patrick’s day celebrations

Green  dye

North-western french region with its own language


California and new zealand city


The __, netflix film starring deniro and pacino


These project the sound from a computer screen


Marvel heroine who turns into dark phoenix

Jean  grey

Joe biden was senator of this state for 30 years


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