Codycross Mexico Group 1369 Puzzle 4

Mexico Group 1369 Puzzle 4 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1369 Puzzle 4 of Mexico? Here you have the answers:

Team sport where players try to avoid being hit


America ferrera telenovela-based comedy

Ugly  betty

Inevitable __, the enemy to other people’s privacy


Idiom meaning extremely happy, being on __

Cloud  nine

Brit singer with bad habits and shivers

Ed  sheeran

Electrical heat for physical therapy and surgery


Explosive dust of sulfur, charcoal, saltpeter


Hard or semi-hard greek smoked cheese


1973 disney movie that features toby the turtle

Robin  hood

Colorful umbrella-headed sea creatures


Especially tall top hat, like abraham lincoln’s


Comic vigilante sometimes called hornhead


In weather, a tall fast-spinning column of air


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