Codycross Mexico Group 1363 Puzzle 2

Mexico Group 1363 Puzzle 2 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1363 Puzzle 2 of Mexico? Here you have the answers:

Montego bay nationals


Shakespeare called these flowers long purples


Person seen as uncivilized by the ancient romans


Slow, shelled gastropod that doesn’t live in water

Land  snail

Parasitic worms


Like algology, another word for the study of algae


Militarily it can be honorable or dishonorable


Venetian painter known for the stonemason’s yard


Comedy sketch show saturday __ __

Night  live

Round bits of protein often paired with spaghetti


Pitch perfect was about these singing groups

A  cappella

Central american country abbreviated gt


Alternative name for a wide-body aircraft

Twin  aisle

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