Codycross House of Horrors Group 1108 Puzzle 3

House of Horrors Group 1108 Puzzle 3 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1108 Puzzle 3 of House of Horrors? Here you have the answers:

Extreme or severe in a description of the weather


Lock this to keep salesmen out and dogs in

Front  gate

Tall, green plant that rustles in farmers’ fields


When too old for work you are on the __ (the tip)


Pharaoh whose consort was nefertiti


Log of how many hours worked


Financially unprepared for losses to property


Mythological greek figure, father of electra


Concise, pithy expressions of a general truth


Pasta on the menu in lady and the tramp


Even with car mirrors, impossible to see there

Blind  spot

Possessed car haunts owners in stephen king tale


Enough to fill the bed of a pickup


Played chachi in happy days

Scott  baio

Hip hop producer, co-founder of def-jam recordings

Rick  rubin

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