Codycross House of Horrors Group 1107 Puzzle 1

House of Horrors Group 1107 Puzzle 1 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1107 Puzzle 1 of House of Horrors? Here you have the answers:

A thing or person that only exists in one’s mind


__ artist; narrator, e.g. for radio commercials

Voice  over

Term for gorillas, chimps, bonobos and humans

Great  apes

Brutal working conditions, generally in textiles


Motor-driven drill, sander or chainsaw

Power  tool

Said to be bliss, but highly annoying in others


Folding plastic packaging for electronics


It’s worn by people to block out light in bed

Sleep  mask

Condition experienced from too much screen time


Unnecessary repetition often used for exaggeration


Soft sedimentary rock found in deserts


Dorothy followed this yellow path to oz

Brick  road

Country singer of mississippi girl and breathe

Faith  hill

His no. 1 jersey was retired by the miami heat

Chris  bosh

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