Codycross Hobbies Group 1418 Puzzle 2

Hobbies Group 1418 Puzzle 2 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1418 Puzzle 2 of Hobbies? Here you have the answers:

Israeli communes


Frankie goes to hollywood’s follow-up to relax

Two  tribes

Road sign warning tall vehicles not to go under

Low  bridge

Lyra finds him in cittàgazze in the subtle knife

Will  parry

Portuguese soccer star ronaldo’s first name


Southeast asian country whose name means lion city


Edison popularized this canadian invention

Light  bulb

Famous theater festival held in small-town ontario


Walking defect, turning the foot inwards


1946 christmas film, it’s a __ life


Type of falcon


Ancient greek drinking party, now a formal meeting


Use a special, bright pen to make text stand out


Tropical foodstuff used as a meat substitute


Animated rescue dogs


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