Codycross Hobbies Group 1411 Puzzle 2

Hobbies Group 1411 Puzzle 2 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1411 Puzzle 2 of Hobbies? Here you have the answers:

Jazz trumpeter covered when i’m sixty-four

Kenny  ball

Comic book hero who fights the green goblin

Spider  man

In phonetics, a consonant created by intake of air


Madeleine l’engle’s children’s sci-fi, a __ time

Wrinkle  in

Modify or reverse one’s opinion


Formula 1 superstar born in vienna in 1949

Niki  lauda

Fourth prime minister of israel, first female pm

Golda  meir

Earth metal mg, used in fireworks and photography


__ hunt, fun searching game for a kids’ party


Doing what jane campion does


Behind-the-scenes theater worker


River rodent and ratty in wind in the willows

Water  vole

Mrs. claus’ home, think location

North  pole

Peruvian city known as kashamarka in quechuan


Cajun risotto


Shade of green that sounds like the joker’s girl


One place or another


Google application for organized online school


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