Codycross Comics Group 1077 Puzzle 1

Comics Group 1077 Puzzle 1 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1077 Puzzle 1 of Comics? Here you have the answers:

Cocktail made with port wine


Freed from captivity


Canadian city, the capital of manitoba


Bed covering that lays flat without elastic

Top  sheet

Leia; a __ of mars


Tropical mammal, origin of dung coffee

Civet  cat

Wealthy spinster in great expectations


Vegetable sometimes called a “cabbage turnip”


Group of defensive players on a football pitch

Back  four

Long, round-bottomed glass laboratory vessel

Test  tube

This sport’s first black league was founded 1920


Irish former westlife singer bryan


A jet-propelled mollusk that roams the deep ocean


No. 1 hit song for peaches & herb, their only one


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