Codycross Comics Group 1076 Puzzle 2

Comics Group 1076 Puzzle 2 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1076 Puzzle 2 of Comics? Here you have the answers:

An x-men superhero with retractable claws


A serving of raw fish encircled by cooked rice

Sushi  roll

Short-statured dog breed from china


Biblical area east of eden; the state of sleep

Land  of  nod

Folding surface often used to play bridge

Card  table

Some floorboards do this to connect


Roger, first athlete to run a 4-minute mile


People requesting joinder to a lawsuit


Fun term for stores on cruises

Ship  shops

Rubber block for inking the day onto documents

Date  stamp

Country from which a sammarinese person comes

San  marino

Battery brand with a bunny who never stops


M. night shyamalan film about plants, the __


Run dmc covered their hit walk this way in 1986


Type of help offered to “millionaire” contestants


For example, raw fish encircled by cooked rice

Sushi  roll

Battery brand with a bunny who has a drum


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