Codycross Canada Group 1272 Puzzle 4

Canada Group 1272 Puzzle 4 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1272 Puzzle 4 of Canada? Here you have the answers:

Study of the origins of words


Gingerbread men are pieces in this sweet game

Candy  land

X-ray picture of the blood vessels


Full of energy


__ squash, gourd with a dairy-sounding name


Greek citadel located above the city of athens


Prison in 1994 morgan freeman and tim robbins film


Feathered creature that gets the worm

Early  bird

Describes laws that are very severe, harsh


Rescue dog said to carry brandy in the mountains

St  bernard

Leather-thonged, flat mexican sandals


Flying machines invented by the wright brothers


Flat-topped shelved furniture placed along a wall


It’s the second b in bnb accommodation


Kermit’s partner and love interest

Miss  piggy

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