Codycross California Group 1159 Puzzle 5

California Group 1159 Puzzle 5 Answers

Are you trapped in Group 1159 Puzzle 5 of California? Here you have the answers:

__ ground; hotbed, forcing house


Separated into a different road


Red __; relief organization in islamic countries


Leader of a pack of canines

Alpha  dog

A supersonic craft’s tendency to pitch downwards

Mach  tuck

“observe” and “guys”; comic book superheroes


They’re what tofu is made from


70s girls’ fashion of short shorts with a bib

Hot  pants

Austro-bavarian singing style


Vinyl collectables with large, wobbly heads

Funko  pop

Writer sue, author of adrian mole series


__ people, 1980 film, redford’s directorial debut


Not said or uttered aloud


Midwest region known for farming

Corn  belt

The so-called leader of a pack of canines

Alpha  dog

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